What Do You Struggle With The Most When Playing Jazz?

learn jazzHello readers! For today’s jazz post I’d like to start a very important discussion with you guys. One that should have taken place along time ago.

If you are reading this article you have no doubt a love and passion for learning jazz and improvised music. Playing jazz is an unbelievably rewarding journey.

Learning such a deep style of music can sometimes be a tough task though. It can be filled with many challenges along the way. What can we do to solve them?

Temporary Barriers

As musicians there, will always be things in our playing that we’re just not satisfied yet with. Everybody has areas of musicianship that they’d like to improve upon.

Let’s call these “temporary barriers” that are currently holding us back.

Maybe you can’t swing as well as you’d like? Perhaps you don’t know enough chord voicings? Is technique an issue for you?

What about soloing? How’s your ear? Do you need more help playing modally? Do you struggle with odd time signatures? It could literally be anything!

So, I’d like to get an open dialog started with the community here. Please leave a comment below and let us know what you struggle with the most in your playing. 

Why Posting A Comment Is So Important For You To Do

By engaging in a community discussion we can all help each other and learn from one another.  Your weaknesses could be somebody else’s strengths and vice versa.

For example, perhaps you struggle with memorizing jazz tunes ? Somebody hear will have a cool solution to help you.

In turn maybe your concept of how to swing is really well developed. Hopefully you can help somebody else who struggles with rhythm.

We all have things we can learn from each other. Think of this discussion as having hundreds of minds tackling one issues. The possibilites could be endless.

I will do my best to answer as many questions as possible but I encourage anybody and everybody to answer questions as well.

If you see something below that you know the answer to please chime in! Your thoughts and experience are important!

Also, be sure to keep returning to this post to follow along with all the new comments and insights.

Here’s to your musical success!

If you know any musicians would also benefit from this discussion I encourage you to invite them here as well! I look forward to the comments below. 🙂


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Steve Nixon