7 Inspirational Books For Musicians

Hey fellow musicians! I hope you’re having a very musical day today! So, after I released the latest article on building more creativity as a musician, I received a ton of follow-up questions.

Many people asked me if there were any inspirational books I could recommend that were written specifically for musicians. We already have a guide to jazz piano books and beginner level books, so this is more of a general book list (not necessarily music related).

As you know, having the right mindset is essential for your long-term success as a musician. I knew this would make an excellent article and help many people.

These books are pivotal and have helped me immensely in my personal journey as a professional musician. I think you guys will really enjoy them.

So, without further ado…here is our list!

7 Inspirational Books For Creative Musicians

(Some of them I even reread a bit everyday before I practice or do a gig. They’re like practicing licks, scales, and chords but for the mind) 🙂

 The Music Lesson: A Spiritual Search for Growth Through Music

This book was written by the 5-time Grammy Award-winning bass virtuoso Victor Wooten. This book was a ton of fun to read and really helped me find the next level in my playing. I read this while on a tour bus driving through the Italian countryside. Awesome and moving!


 Effortless Mastery: Liberating the Master Musician Within (Book + CD set)

This book was written by the great pianist Kenny Werner. It’s literally a classic. Not only is Kenny a great musician but a great philosopher as well. I read this book in my second semester at Berklee and it inspired for a whole year of 6-10 hour practice sessions.


 Free Play: Improvisation in Life and Art

I loved this book. Stephen Nachmanovitch really taps into the core message of what we need to understand as improvisers.


 Talent Is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else

This is an incredible study into very specific techniques that separate average performers from world class performers. It literally changed the way I practice and the way I teach. Insight into virtuoso training.


 The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles

When I read this book I felt like Steven Pressfield was truly my mind. One of the most important books on the essential training and mindset needed to make art. I owe so much to this book.


 Zen Guitar

You don’t have to be a guitar player to read this book. You can play any instrument actually. My favorite book ever written. Period. I read from it every week.


 No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline

I could have chosen any book here by self improvement author Brian Tracy. He’s that good.

I had a bunch of gigs one summer in several different midwestern states. I used to listen to the audio version late at night on the bus ride to the next gig. It created a lot of clarity for my workflow and future goals as musician.

*** Enjoy these awesome books and I hope they really improve you not only as a musician but as a person as well. ***

On a related note, we also have a whole other awesome page on jazz resources here.

This is a list of things that I personally use to improve my musicianship. I keep adding more cool stuff to it regularly. Check it out!


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Steve Nixon