Chromatic Notes & Pentatonics Mastery
Are you searching for a cool new chromatic notes tutorial? Want to learn how to use penatonics to add excitement to your playing? You’ve come to the right place.
In this lesson you’ll find 2 free samples from our epic jazz improvisation course, “The Jazz Improvisation Super System” 3 DVD set. (Free sample video tutorials below)
How I Revolutionized My Jazz Improvisation
David Garfield playing with George Benson in Japan
20 years ago I met one of my greatest jazz piano mentors, the legendary jazz pianist David Garfield.
Prior to that, I had been trying to teach myself jazz improvisation for years.
Sure I had taught myself a few scales and some of the basics but so much was missing from playing.
I heard other people running up and down their instruments and playing freely. Making great music in the moment.
And all I could do was just play a few boring patterns that I had practiced. They didn’t even fit that well!
They were creative with their instruments and I felt like I was just stuck in a box. I was clearly missing critical things in my playing.
And when I compared my playing to people like Herbie Hancock, Oscar Peterson, Horace Silver, Chick Corea, Cedar Walton, and the great jazz improvisers like Bud Powell & Bill Evans I sounded silly.
It was incredibly painful. I was consistently embarrassing myself when it was time to take a solo on a tune.
I hated the way I sounded and I knew I had to do something about it.
The Beginning Of My Great Piano Improv Revolution
So, for years David and I worked together. He revealed many of the secrets that helped transform me from a rag tag jazz improviser to a world touring jazz pianist and a 1st call studio pro.
Armed with my new skills, I finally started to pick up some local gigs.
They went great and word started getting out about how much I had improved my playing.
Next thing I know I was gigging 5 nights a week in some of the hottest clubs in Chicago.
It felt amazing but I didn’t stop there. Within 4 years I was touring nationality. A few years after that I was:
- Touring around the world (14 different countries in 2 years)
- Appearing on TV (NBC, ABC, WGN0
- Playing on radio (NPR & WLUP)
- Even playing with Grammy Award Winner (Buddy Guy, Koko Taylor, etc.)
- My transformation was amazing!
Yes, I practiced smart but David’s incredible training pushed me to levels I could only dream of.
Learning From A Jazz Improvisation Genius Is Rare
In 2015 David was only touring regularly with George Benson. But, in early 2016, David’s career took off even more.
David Sanborn
Not only was he the musical director for George Benson but he also started gigging with legendary saxophone player David Sanborn.
(Yes, the 6 Time Grammy Award Winning Jazz Superstar.)
So, with a busy touring schedule David’s availability was virtually non existent.
Short supply went to no supply!
This was very bad news for jazz improvisation education.
Time To Unlock A Lifetime Of Jazz Improvisation Secrets
I couldn’t stand the thought that all those amazing jazz improvisation secrets were now essentially ‘locked away’.
I knew I had to do something about it. So, I was compelled to share all the life changing musical discoveries I had learned from him with as many people as possible.
So, this spring, I flew David to our studio in Chicago.
Together we created a brand new DVD program to help students unlock the hidden secrets of the greatest jazz improvisers.
It uses the same blueprint I used to completely revolutionize my jazz improvisation skills.
What’s In The Jazz Improvisation Super System 3 DVD Set?
We’re now approx. 2 weeks away from the release of this special course.
Update: The Jazz Improvisation Super System has been released.
Click here to grab a copy of this powerful jazz improvisation course.
We’ve received a tons of questions about the program so here’s some of the amazing things you’ll learn in the 3DVD set.
Here’s What You’ll Get Inside The 3 DVD Set.
- Over 5 hours of Jam Packed Video Training On Jazz Improvisation.
- 116 Pages of Downloadable Sheet Music, Transcriptions, Written Examples, Licks, Chords, Templates, & Jam Tracks.
- A Complete Method That Shows You How To Improvise Over The World’s Greatest Jazz Songs With Ease.
- The Specific Jazz Piano Voicings That Sound Best In Today’s Jazz Improvisation. (Hint: If Your Not Using These You Run The Risk Of Sounding Outdated At The Keys.)
- 97 Examples Of How To Turn Boring Old Fashioned Scale Exercises Into Unlimited New Patterns & Melodies. (Learn How To Do This & You Can Spin Almost ANY Musical Concept You Learn Into A Great Improvisation.)
- Helpful Text On Screen For Those Who Like To Learn More By Ear.
- Rarely Revealed Harmony Secrets From Greats Like Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea, McCoy Tyner, Horace Silver, Cedar Walton, & More.
Note For Note Transcriptions & Video Of Live Jazz Solos That You Can Use To Quickly Add Hundreds Of New Playing Techniques Under Your Fingers.
- Simple Scale Hacks That Let Even Total Newbies Play Solos That Sound Fluid, Creative, & Musical.
- A Powerful Collection Of Jazz, Latin, & Afro-Cuban Piano Bonuses To Explore
- And So Much More…
And yes, there is an option for instant online streaming for those who don’t have DVD players.
We Have Even More Exciting News!
David and I have a long history of live performance and DVD releases. So, we come from the school of thought that a DVD release should be like a party!
That’s why I’m thrilled to announce we’re doing something special for the for this 3 DVD set release.
We’re including 5 extremely special fast action piano bonuses. From studies of 5 modern jazz masters, afro cuban piano, and comping chords I think you’ll love the bonuses.
Update: The Jazz Improvisation Super System has been released.
Click here to grab a copy of this powerful jazz improvisation course.
Here’s The Free Chromatic Notes Exciter Tutorial Video
To help you get started, we wanted to give you a sample of the program right away so you could start practicing and learning right now.
Inside the first video you’ll learn an easy but super effective way to add chromatic notes to your playing. If you are stuck only playing basic scales then this is a great concept to grab.
By the way, the licks in this section and hundreds of other ones are all written out and notated inside the special guides that comes with the DVD.
Make sure you also check out the 2nd course sample below…
Course Sample #2: Multi Pentatonic Notes Tutorial Video
Inside the 2nd video you’ll begin to learn how to use little known pentatonic scales to improvise.
Most people think there is 1 only one type of pentatonic scale. There are lots more and today’s improvisers need to have these under their belt. This is a modern technique that is so simple but incredibly effective!
Your Jazz Improvisation Success Is Critical
Next week we’ve got another free sample jazz improvisation tutorial to share with you.
David is going to show you a crazy 5 note pattern that lets you to use all 12 notes to improvise freely over different chords and still sound great.
If you want to add an insane amount of excitement and energy to your playing you must add this in your playing.
This is one of those techniques you’ll hear top pros use but very few know how to do it.
David explains it masterfully too!
Stay tuned and watch the site for the next free sample release.
If you’re on the FJL email list we’ll send the link to the video right to your inbox.
If you have questions about today’s chromatic notes tutorial sample, the pentatonics, the DVDs, or anything else please leave a comment below. I read every comment and I’m always happy to help!